Laurie Shapiro

It is with profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Laurie Shapiro, an Usher 1F Collaborative longtime board member and mom of Dorie, our Usher 1F Ambassador. The Shapiros were one of the first two families with Usher 1F who joined us, and Laurie joined our board in January 2015. Over her nine years on the board, she worked tirelessly to help us find a cure, work that we promised her we will continue for Dorie and for all with Usher 1F. Our hearts are with her family.
Laurie was the president of her late husband Gary’s company, Optical Expressions. Located in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Optical Expressions has been providing quality eye care in the Phoenix metro area for over 50 years. Previously, Laurie was a realtor with Coldwell Banker for over 25 years. She served on numerous boards of local non-profit agencies, including Council for Jews With Special Needs, Kivel Campus of Care, and Woman’s Philanthropy of the Phoenix Jewish Community Association. She also served on the Board of Trustees for her synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel. Laurie held an MBA from Arizona State University and a B.A .from University of Arizona with an emphasis in Journalism. One of her two grown children has Usher Syndrome type 1F.