Through Social Media & Amazon Shopping

We hope that you have connected with us through social media! Especially in these times, it is helpful to stay connected through these outlets. To amplify our mission, please share our social media content with your friends, family, and wider online community. There are many ways to participate: use the hashtag #Usher1F, invite your friends to like us on Facebook, retweet a tweet, or like an Instagram post. Additionally, we encourage you to share your own #Usher1F story with our online community through social media. 

One more way that you can help out is through Amazon Smile! When you shop on Amazon by logging on through (instead of, you are able to select a charity to be gifted a portion of the money that you spend. This does not cost the shopper anything and is a wonderful way to support Usher1F through your everyday shopping on Amazon! Simply search for and select “Usher 1F Collaborative” and it will be saved for each time you return to shop.