My name is Pierson and when I was born I was profoundly deaf and was implanted with cochlear implants right before turning 3 years old. I had a difficult childhood because I was always changing schools and programs to find the right fit for me. When I was around 10 years old it was very difficult for me to enjoy a night out trick or treating. My mom noticed and took me to the eye doctor. Then they referred me to a specialist. After about a year and some genetics testing I learned that I have Ushers 1F. I try to be positive and hope for the best and adjust to the changes as they come. I just passed to get my driver’s licence but don’t know how long it will be safe for me to drive before my vision deteriorates even further. I’m being as positive as I can be and hope that a cure will be found so that I will be able to enjoy my life with vision forever.